Privacy Policy

This page is all about our privacy policy and terms of uses.

How We Collect & Use Your Personal Data
We dont collect any informations of visitors of this site. we dont collect and store names, email, cookies, DOB, address and any other kind of informations.

3rd party ads services may collect cookies. to know about this visit official site of Ad networks we are using because our policy is different from ad networks.

Cookies & Similar Technologies

We dont collect any cookies information. but 3rd party ads services may collect cookies. to know about this visit official site of Ad networks we are using because our policy is different from ad networks.

Children uses
Person from below the age of 12 years can use this website freely.

Third-Party Providers and Their Services
We use third party ad networks to earn money from our site.
Our Ad networks are :
Google AdSense
Url shorners

Updates to This Policy
In future when we update our policies, you will found our updated policy here. bookmark and refresh.

How to Contact Us
We have created a page named with Contact Us.. you will find below the site. visit there and contact us. or mail us at